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Irvine Teen Builds a Portable Privacy Cart to Help the Homeless

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck last year and we all were ordered to stay home, Woodbridge High School senior, Jordan Szigeti-Larenne, started thinking about Orange County’s growing homeless population.

While the rest of us have spent nearly a year complaining about being stuck at home, Jordan has been focused on helping those who have no home. Jordan’s mission is to create something that provides dignity, protection, and privacy.

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Orange County & San Diego County: Dramatically Different COVID-19 Results

During the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve all seen the importance of good leadership. Orange County leaders spent months ignoring warnings from health experts, refusing to close beaches, and rejecting the science behind masking. San Diego County leaders took immediate steps to protect their residents, and establish a comprehensive testing, tracing, and treating program.

Several months into the pandemic, San Diego County — with a population of nearly 200,000 more residents than Orange County — has performed 696,917 additional tests yet reports only 27 more cases and 263fewer deaths than Orange County.

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Agran & Johnson-Norris to Introduce Two Council Priority Action Plans to Tackle COVID & the Veterans Cemetery

Former Irvine Mayor and current City Council candidate, Larry Agran has announced that if he is elected to the Council, joined by Lauren Johnson-Norris, he will put two priority Resolutions on the agenda for Council action at the first business meeting of the newly seated Council.

The two Council Resolutions include the establishment of a comprehensive COVID-19 plan and plans to immediately begin construction of our long-promised Veterans Memorial Park & Cemetery at the Great Park.

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