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Category: Schools

The Critical Role School Nurses Play in Keeping Us All Safe

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the recommended national standard should be one full-time school nurse per school. 

Here in Irvine, there are only 21 FTE (full-time equivalent) school nurses to cover 43 schools.  That’s a problem, especially in the middle of a global pandemic.

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School Nurses are Critical to the Safety of Our Children

School nurses are specially trained and certified.  They understand and educate others about childhood development; they promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case-management services; and actively collaborate with physicians.

As students head back to the classroom, school nurses will be key in keeping our kids safe.

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Lonely Children – Social Media to the Rescue!

When this period of distance learning ends, there will be hundreds of studies released on how it impacted our children.  However, it’s important for us to recognize right now the effects of isolation and loneliness.

Social media can help! I’ve recently learned how a few local moms are using creative ways through social media channels to keep their kids connected to friends and classmates.

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Special Commentary: A time for bold ACTION!

Summer 2019 in America drew to an ugly, horrific end.  Mass shootings in August generated scores of new gun-violence casualties and a growing list of newly terrorized communities: Gilroy, California; Dayton, Ohio; and the El Paso, Odessa and Midland communities in Texas. ICNV asked three of our columnists to once again weigh-in on the gun violence issue.

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SchoolWatch: Citizen Activism Works

This story is worth re-telling, because it is a powerful lesson all of us should remember: Citizen activism works! When the City proposed a 20 percent cut in City support for our schools, teachers, and students, the Irvine community responded, and leaders listened.

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