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IUSD Launches Webpage With Latest List of COVID Cases in Irvine Schools


Irvine students have returned to in-person learning.  And the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) has launched a webpage that offers up-to-date information on how many people have tested positive for COVID-19 in their schools, including students and staff.

The webpage lists all 42 IUSD schools, the number of in-person students and staff, and the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

As of Monday, October 12th, 7 students (one each from Woodbridge High School, Portola High School, South Lake Middle School, Jeffrey Trail Middle School, Cypress Village Elementary, Woodbury Elementary, and College Park Elementary School) along with 4 staff members (one from Cadence Park K-8 School, two from Creekside High School, and one from University High School) have tested positive since in-person classes resumed.

IUSD parents were provided with three learning models for the fall semester:  at-home distance learning, hybrid, or in-person learning.  Students who were registered for the hybrid and in-person models returned to the classroom last week.

The IUSD COVID-19 Dashboard includes instructions for parents on how to report if their child gets a positive test as well as the communication process from IUSD in the event of a positive test at their school. (School principals and staff will communicate directly with their individual school communities.)

IUSD COVID-19 Dashboard and Resource page: https://iusd.org/covid-19-resource-page/covid-19-dashboard

In addition, the Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) has reported 4 positive cases among students and 5 reported cases for school staff members.  To access the TUSD COVID-19 dashboard, visit https://www.tustin.k12.ca.us/resources/health-services/covid-19-dashboard.

Joel Smith


Irvine, CA
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