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Category: Senior Life

Ed McNew Shows Us All That Volunteering = Purpose in Life = Better Health

Last year, I reported that volunteering leads to better health…at any age. A volunteer I highlighted, Ed McNew is now 88 years old. He was, by far, the top signature gatherer for the Veterans Memorial Park & Cemetery Initiative Petition.  He said, at the time, “It gives me purpose, and it’s something I look forward to every day.” 

This year, Ed is an important member of the Build the Great Park Veterans Cemetery steering committee that meets via Zoom weekly, which continues to keep him busy and healthy.

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Irvine Senior Services in the COVID-19 Era

What is happening with Irvine’s renowned Senior Services during this unprecedented COVID-19 era?  We spoke with Sandra Salcedo in a Zoom meeting to find out.

Sandra is Superintendent of the Irvine Community Services Department in charge of Senior Services. For months, she’s been working to solve difficult problems in order to continue providing essential services.

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Irvine’s Adult Day Health Services Working Remotely

In 2018, I wrote an article about Irvine’s amazing Adult Day Health Services (ADHS) that provides structured adult day programs in a safe and encouraging environment for seniors and disabled adults.

I recently spoke with the program director to learn how and what services they are able to continue to provide in spite of the closure of their facility due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Senior Life: Staying Healthy During the COVID-19 Crisis

As a 78-year old resident in excellent health who has been reading the medical literature voraciously, I have concluded that the most effective way to stay safe from COVID-19 is certainly to stay at home. 

To be safe, you should assume that everyone outside your immediate household is infected with the virus, whether or not they appear sick or say they are sick.

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Senior Life: Volunteering Means Better Health at Any Age

Some people in their 80s and 70s — and sometimes even younger — claim they are too tired or too debilitated to volunteer for community causes.

I recently interviewed three people who believe otherwise — that it’s just a matter of desire and will, and that the benefits of civic activism are great regardless of any mobility limits you may have.

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Senior Life: Walking Briskly for a Healthy Life

It has been proven in many studies that exercise is far more than just a “good thing.” Significant exercise almost every day is essential for mental and physical health and to maintain the ability to be happy and productive into your 80s, 90s, and beyond

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Senior Life: My Unusual Cataract Surgery

I was driving home very late one night, north on the I-5, and moved over to the right lane where the ramp to the I-405 splits off with a sweeping curve that goes high in the air.  Suddenly, there were no lane markers.

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Senior Life: Disabled and can’t drive? Irvine has TRIPS

Since the 1980s, the City of Irvine, alone among Orange County cities, has provided a remarkable door-to-door transportation service. TRIPS is now available to all Irvine residents 18 years or older who are unable to drive due to a physical or cognitive disability.

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