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All In Just 12 Pages!


Our March issue of Irvine Community News & Views covers a lot of ground in just 12 pages — I hope you’ll read them all.

Our front-page story focuses on our Irvine Community Poll and the strong early opposition to the FivePoint-City of Irvine June 5th ballot measure that would replace the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park with massive office, commercial and industrial development.

In CityWatch, former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran takes a hard look at special interests and how they are destroying American democracy and representative government — at the national level and here in Irvine as well.

Dr. Harvey Liss continues his series on “Healthful Living As We Age” with an uplifting piece about the truly remarkable daily Lunch Program open to all at the Lakeview Senior Center.

Our centerfold Community Calendar pages  continue to be a reference point for Irvine residents eager to discover some of the many wonderful programs and events offered month after month.

Three of our regular contributing writers, Carolyn Inmon, Dr. Phyllis Agran, and Larry Agran team up on gun violence to offer their perspectives on the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Two of our Science, Technology & Environment writers, Carl Mariz and Ed Sharman, continue to follow-up with what the City is doing — and failing to do — to meet its obligations under State law to combat climate change.

Of course, we have our always-interesting Open Forum and Community Voices.

As always, we are grateful to you — our ICNV readers — for your support of our community newspaper.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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