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Senior Life — Youthful Lifestyle: The amazing Lakeview Senior Center Kitchen!


The Lakeview Senior Center (LSC) houses a feature unique in Orange County — a state-of-the-art professional kitchen located right at its Rose Garden Café!  The kitchen prepares 30,000 lunches per year, Monday thru Friday (called the Elderly Nutrition Lunch Program), intended for seniors at the incredibly low price of a suggested donation of $4 for those 60 years old and above, and $5 cost for those seniors under 60.  However, the mantra at the LSC is: “No senior is denied a meal due to inability to donate.” 

The lunch program for seniors has been operating since the 1990s.  Other Senior Centers in Orange County have their meals prepared in a large, commercial kitchen and brought in.


Enticing lunches

Especially enticing, the Rose Garden lunches are not what you might expect as “institutional” meals.

They are freshly prepared, varied, delicious, and of a quality equivalent to what you might expect in a good restaurant.  Every lunch also has a vegetarian option.  The lunches are served restaurant-style, delivered to your table by friendly and enthusiastic volunteers.  Likewise, you will find your tablemates varied, interesting and enthusiastic.  Social contact is encouraged, and is a big part of the program.

A typical lunch, picked at random — this one from Thursday, February 8th — is Herbed Rolled Pollock, Lemon Brown Rice, Garlic Green Beans, Fire Roasted Tomato Soup and Cupcakes.  The vegetarian option was Herbed Rolled Tofu!  The Café doors open at 11:00 a.m. for registration. Lunch service begins at 11:45 a.m., and continues until 12:30 p.m.

The kitchen also prepares 70,000 Meals-On-Wheels per year, and each meal delivery includes a hot lunch, a cold dinner, and a cold breakfast for the next morning.  Both the daily lunches and the Meals-On-Wheels program are funded by Federal Grants, via the Older Americans Act.  But, more about Meals-On-Wheels in our April issue of ICNV.

Volunteers Needed

If you want to have a rewarding experience while helping others, the kitchen and dining room need volunteers as dining room lunch servers and kitchen assistants to pack meals.  You will develop new skills and make a difference in the community, while meeting new people and having a great time, socially.

Please contact Jackie Vargas at 949-724-6096 for information.

Harvey H. Liss


Irvine, CA
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