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Another Milestone


This month, Irvine Community News & Views reached another milestone:  ICNV now has a combined circulation — traditional print format and online followers — of more than 50,000 people.  Our loyal readers tell us they appreciate that ICNV is independent and unafraid to take on the big developers and the City Councilmembers who do their bidding.

Well, someone has to!  Just take a look at our Page 1 and Page 2 stories.  It has taken a voter uprising — an historic referendum petition — to possibly break the control that developer FivePoint has over three members of the City Council.  ICNV is proud to have been part of the referendum effort that will give voters the chance, on June 5th, to say NO to developer FivePoint’s scheme to replace the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park with massive development.

Page 2 also includes a report on the shameful $1.7 million political witch hunt, led by Councilmember Christina Shea, under the guise of doing a Great Park “audit.”  What was done was so bad that the auditing firm hired by Shea could lose its license to practice public accounting.

Take a look at our other popular features, too:  CityWatch; and SchoolWatch and Rx for Child Health.

And, of course, Open Forum and Community Voices lets you know what your Irvine friends and neighbors are thinking about what’s going on in our City.

Speaking of what’s going on, our readers tell us that our monthly Community Calendar, is the most user-friendly Community Calendar in Irvine. We agree!

Franklin J. Lunding, Publisher and Editor

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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