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IUSD Adopts Resolution Supporting Black Lives Matter, Promises to Update its Curriculum


During the June 23rd Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) School Board meeting, the Board adopted a resolution supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

The unanimously approved resolution proclaimed that “Black Lives Matter, calling for a commitment to creating an unbiased and inclusive society through education.”

ICNV previously wrote about an online petition letter drafted by three IUSD alumni asking the Irvine School Board to include racial injustice education into their curriculum.  (Read that article here.)  The letter received more than 1,300 signatures from students, alumni, teachers, and community members across Irvine.  Similar letters have been created by activists around Orange County, asking school districts to make similar changes to their curriculum.

The final lines of the resolution adopted by the Irvine School Board states:

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Board of Education believes that it is incumbent upon the District, to educate our students and community about racism and racial injustice and is committed to continuing to examine curriculum, staffing and professional trainings in the spirit of continuous improvement and that this work must be done not just in times of acute awareness.

In addition to adopting the resolution, IUSD has also created educators for social justice who will be in charge of “the examination of resources and facilitation of conversations on how to develop a curriculum that is anti-racist and gives time and space in the classroom to address past and present ways in which racism exists.”

To read the full resolution and statement from the Irvine Unified School District, click here.

Joel Smith


Irvine, CA
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