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We’re Growing!


I’m pleased to report you are part of our growing base of support. ICNV’s distribution in Irvine — 19,500 print copies and more than 13,000 online followers — represents a near-doubling of our circulation in just one year!

This issue of ICNV offers the kind of quality reporting and commentary you’ve come to expect on matters of local interest and concern. Our feature story this month — not covered by other newspapers — reveals a developer-backed early-October poll that was taken to test public reaction to the possibility of FivePoint Communities gaining City Council approval to build yet another 5,000 houses at the Great Park. This is above and beyond the 10,000 already approved by the Choi-Lalloway-Shea City Council and now under construction.

At the end of the article, you’re invited to take our poll — called the Irvine Community Poll — on this important issue. This is your chance to be heard by going to:

Check out our coverage of the progress of the Irvine Living Wage Initiative — a continuing story of grassroots democracy to secure local economic justice. And our remarkable interview with Larry Agran, former City Councilmember and Mayor. The Q & A with Larry Agran concerns the continuing crisis of toxic contamination at the Portola High School site, where the new high school is under construction.

Happier things are taking place in Irvine, too. Just take a look at our wonderful family-friendly calendar.

As ICNV grows, the number of writers and new features we offer is growing too. Read them. Enjoy them. Pass them on to others.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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