Irvine Community News & Views (ICNV) is Irvine’s only independent community newspaper, free of developer control. Our mission is to provide the Irvine community with accurate, fact-based news and commentary. We support local candidates and causes that, we believe, strengthen and improve the Irvine community.
That’s what we did in backing the historic “NO on B” campaign that won with a 63% majority on June 5th. And, it’s what we’re doing in the critically important November 6th Irvine election for Mayor and City Council.
ICNV is enthusiastically endorsing three candidates who were leaders in the campaign to Save the Veterans Cemetery • NO on B. The “NO on B” team of three is Ed Pope, who is running for Mayor of Irvine, and Jaci Woods and Frank McGill, who are running for City Council.
These three had the courage to oppose the landswap-and-development scheme known as Measure B, from the beginning. Ed Pope, himself an Army veteran and retired high school teacher, was founding chair of the NO on B campaign.
Pope is joined on the ballot by two other NO on B leaders — you may have seen them in online videos — Jaci Woods and Frank McGill. Woods and McGill, longtime Irvine residents and civic activists who oppose overdevelopment, are committed to honoring the mandate of the NO on B victory. If elected, they (and Pope) have pledged to immediately begin construction of the Veterans Cemetery at its original Great Park location.
That’s exactly what Irvine needs!
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