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Two Issues Now at a Critical Stage


When we first began publishing Irvine Community News & Views in 2014, we focused our attention on two important issues — advocacy for a beautiful Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park; and advocacy for strong City growth-control policies to curb developer-driven runaway growth.  Both issues are now at a critical stage.

Veterans Cemetery.  Since 2014, the City has made great progress in realizing a shared dream — the establishment of a 125-acre Veterans Memorial Park and Cemetery in Irvine’s 1300-acre Great Park.  With City support, followed by State and Federal approval, the project is now on the Federal “Priority List.”  The Veterans Cemetery could be built and operational by Veterans Day, 2019.  However, Mayor Donald Wagner and Councilmember Christina Shea are leading a cynical effort — promoting a “land-swap” scheme to move the Veterans Cemetery out of the Great Park and turn over the land to developer FivePoint Communities for private development and private profit.  We cover the story from a number of angles on pages 1-3, including an Irvine Community Poll question, asking what YOU think.

Take our Poll at:  IrvineCommunityNews.org/vetcemetery

Runaway Growth.  The second critical issue — threatening our entire community — is Council-approved runaway growth and development that is wrecking the City’s General Plan, and choking the City with traffic congestion.  In our April Irvine Community Poll, we asked residents what they thought.  Take a look at the near-unanimous public opinion reported on pages 10 and 11, and the comments that reflect an anger and intensity never before seen.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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