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Two Irvine Residents Help Solve Your Mobile Phone Problems


Who do you turn to when you have a problem or question with your mobile phone?  Two Irvine residents are dedicated to solving issues you may encounter when using you smart device.  Each offers a unique service.

Jason Tu will service most iPhones and Android phones that have broken screens, require battery replacement, or other repairs, at your home or office.

Jake Jacobs will teach you how to benefit from the many useful — but often hidden — features of your iPhone at one of his many classes offered throughout Orange County.

Our staff has depended on both of these trusted local service providers over the years and highly recommend them.  Jason has fixed our phones and Jake has taught us all sorts of super useful features that we had no idea were available on our iPhones.

If you’ve followed ICNV for a while, you’ve probably seen ads for their services since both Jason and Jake are longtime advertisers.  In addition, Jake has written a series of articles for us, entitled “Jake’s iPhone Tips,” which can be accessed by clicking here.

Now, as so many of us are at home, it’s more important than ever to take time — and spend a few bucks — to get absolutely the best up-to-the-minute IT repairs and help you need.

Irvine Community News & Views recently sat down individually (over Zoom) with Jason and Jake to find out more about their helpful services so that we could introduce them to our readers.

Jason Tu repairing a phone safely in a client’s garage.

Jason Tu:  No-Contact Phone Repair

Q: Jason, can you tell us a little about your business?

A: We are a mobile phone repair service.  We visit customers at their home or office and fix their smartphone onsite.  The most common devices we repair are the iPhone and Samsung phones.

Q: Do you repair any other devices?

A: We certainly do!  We also service iPad, MacBook, and Windows laptops.  In addition to hardware repairs, we also offer IT support for local small businesses and home offices at very reasonable cost.

Q: What is your response in dealing with COVID-19 crisis?

A: We now offer “no-contact phone repair” service.  Our technician can still visit customers onsite but we’ll perform the repair by following a set of strict health safety guidelines.

For example, our technician wears an anti-viral face mask and protective gloves.  We set up our own workspace using a portable table and chair that is placed at least 6 feet away from anyone nearby.  We can work outdoors if necessary.  All phones are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.  Under no circumstances will the technician make physical contact with the customer.

Q: Where can people find out more about your services?

A: Please contact me via email at smartphone@techie.com or call me at (949) 385-1744.

Jake Jacobs remotely teaching an iPhone class.

Jake Jacobs:  iPhone Hidden Features Revealed

Q: Jake, Can you tell us a little about your classes?

A: I reveal the most useful hidden iPhone secrets that every user should know.  I teach the class in four sessions of 2-hours each at various venues throughout Orange County.

Q: What are some examples of “hidden secrets” you disclose?

A: When taking pictures, how to set the focus and exposure. When entering and editing text, how to quickly type an often used phrase in a flash. How to quickly move and place the cursor. How to turn your iPhone into a magnifying glass or a scientific calculator. How to find where you parked your car.

Q: What happens in a typical class session?

A: I project my iPhone onto a giant screen for everyone to see. You can watch the steps as I explain each feature. And I provide a detailed handbook for reference during and after the class.

Q: Where can people find out more about your classes?

A: Please visit my website https://jakeair.weebly.com/iphone-classes.html or contact me via email at jakeair@cox.net.

ICNV Staff


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