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Time to Speak Up


Worse by the Day. It seems that the Portola High School toxics scandal just gets worse by the day. With the State-ordered testing completed — and all 17 test wells showing toxic petrochemical contamination — it’s apparent that there is a serious, site-wide problem. Now, IUSD’s environmental consultant is blaming the contamination on the long-ago use of IRWD’s recycled water to irrigate row crops on the site. This, of course, was denied by IRWD officials who have trumpeted the Water District’s exemplary recycled water program for years. The likely source of the toxic contamination? Not IRWD, but the use of the property for military aircraft — including massive dumping of fuels and solvents when the site was part of the El Toro Marine Corps Airbase.

Read this month’s feature story. Also read Dr. Harvey Liss’s TestForToxics.org article. It is a detailed but clear, step-by-step description of what’s been going on.

15,000! I’m pleased to report we now have more than 15,000 followers online — with more than 10,000 on Facebook alone. All this is in addition to the nearly 28,000 printed papers that are distributed monthly.

I take this opportunity to thank our many loyal readers and online followers for your continuing support for ICNV.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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