Traffic Study Headed to City Council
Recognizing that traffic in Irvine is bad — and getting worse by the day — the City Council, in March 2015, ordered a Traffic Management study, asking for an analysis of the causes of traffic congestion in Irvine and for recommendations of how to cope with its effects. That report has now made its way through the City staff and Planning Commission, and will soon be reviewed by the City Council.
Prepared by outside traffic consultants, the publicly released “Draft Report of the Citywide Traffic Operation and Traffic Management Study” documents the causes of Irvine’s traffic congestion, while appearing to downplay the accelerated rate of residential growth and development. Recommendations range from costly improvements in signalization and roadway infrastructure to a stepped-up commitment to citywide transit.
Great Park Veterans Cemetery on Schedule
At the April 12, 2016 City Council meeting, after Councilmember Christina Shea failed in her effort to derail the Veterans Cemetery at the Great Park, the City Council reaffirmed its support for the project and directed City Manager Sean Joyce to take all necessary steps to move the project forward in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
In recent progress reports to the City Council, City Manager Joyce has assured the Council that the project is on time — that the California Veterans Affairs Department is going to be making a timely, July 1st application to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for federal approval and a grant of funds.
In 2014, the City Council made an offer of 125 acres at the Great Park for a State Veterans Cemetery, pursuant to State enabling legislation and an initial appropriation of $500,000. If the project application is submitted on time, and then receives timely federal approval, construction of the first phase of the Veterans Cemetery could begin as early as 2018, with the Cemetery operational by 2020.
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