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Study Finds that Irvine is the 10th Healthiest City in America


According to the financial website, WalletHub, location matters when it comes to health. Some cities promote wellness by expanding access to nutritious food and recreational facilities. Others strive to keep healthcare costs affordable for everyone or keep parks clean and well-maintained. When a city doesn’t take care of these critical issues, it can impact the community’s health.

To determine which cities prioritize residents’ well-being, WalletHub compared 182 of the most populated U.S. communities across 41 key indicators of good health. The data set ranged from the cost of a medical visit to fruit and vegetable consumption to the share of physically active adults.

Irvine earned the No. 10 spot in the study, indicating that our City’s residents are among the healthiest in the nation.

Analysts found that where people live has a direct correlation to remaining healthy, so the best cities are the ones that provide the greatest access to high-quality healthcare, green spaces, recreation centers, and nutritious food.

Two other California cities made the Top Ten: San Francisco earned the No. 1 spot and San Diego came in at No. 4.

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