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Stories Worth Reading


This month we have two feature stories you don’t want to miss.

The top story is a report on yet one more bad idea from Councilmember Christina Shea — this time to repeal Irvine’s minimum wage (about $11 per hour).  Shea’s proposal would drive the wages for Orange County janitors, gardeners and other low-income contract workers down below the poverty line.  This Shea attack on the working poor, joined by Mayor Choi and Councilmember Lalloway,  is shameful!

The second important article features Part 4 in ICNV’s investigative series on the toxic contamination at the Portola High School site.  This is a blockbuster report revealing that most of the prior tests were worthless because, for most of the school site, the soil testing was done at a depth of only 6 inches.  Moreover, that testing didn’t even include the most worrisome toxic contaminants.

After you read this story, you’ll want to join the more than 1,000 Irvine residents who have already signed our online petition urging the City and IUSD to do comprehensive, independent testing to ensure school safety.

On a happier note, take a look at the outstanding photo and related story about Irvine’s open space.

Finally, check out our Spotlight on Small Business — for a listing of the more than 70 stores, shopping centers and other public places where you can pick up a free “hold-it-in-your-hands” copy of Irvine Community News & Views.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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