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Signature Gathering to Save the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park gaining momentum!


The signature gathering effort to qualify the official Referendum to Save the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park has been gaining momentum since its surprise launch on Friday the 13th.  Volunteers have been braving the 100-degree heat, soliciting signatures one at a time from Irvine voters across the City.

The deadline for gathering signatures is November 8th.  With dozens of volunteers, the Save the Veterans Cemetery campaign appears to be on course to meet the 12,000 Irvine voter signatures required to qualify the Referendum, and place the Veterans Cemetery issue on the ballot for voters to decide. 

Irvine voters have been complaining about “robo” calls and voice-mail messages from an unidentified caller urging listeners not to sign the Referendum Petition. There is widespread speculation that the calls are sponsored by developer FivePoint Communities, in an effort to confuse voters and preserve their “land-swap” and development scheme that would kill the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park.

There is also a fake petition being circulated that is reportedly just a useless list that people can sign, designed to confuse.

The Chair of the Save the Veterans Cemetery Committee, Ed Pope, was asked what can be done to combat the misinformation campaign.  Pope said, “Get your friends and neighbors to sign the official Referendum Petition that will overpower these relentless shenanigans and let the voters of Irvine decide this important issue.”

Find out more at https://savetheveteranscemetery.org

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