If you were one of the 28,638 Irvine residents who voted “NO” on Measure B last June 5th, then on Nov. 6th you should want to make your “NO on B” vote count. How? By voting for Ed Pope for Mayor and for Jaci Woods and Frank McGill for City Council.
As you’ll recall, Measure B was the shameful scheme put together by Mayor Donald Wagner and developer FivePoint to actually replace the long-planned and approved Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park with massive FivePoint development, bringing an added 10,000 cars and trucks to Irvine streets every day.
The historic NO on B campaign (63% voted NO!) was led by many Irvine citizens, but most notably Ed Pope, Jaci Woods and Frank McGill. These three had the courage to publicly stand up to Wagner and FivePoint and their million-dollar campaign of lies.
Now, by electing Pope for Mayor, and Woods and McGill for Council, we can ensure that the Veterans Cemetery actually gets built, right now, at its original, planned site in the Great Park — which is what Irvine voters want!
By casting your three votes to elect Pope, Woods and McGill, you will be doing something else. You will be rescuing our City from the corrupt relationship Wagner and his Council colleagues have with the City’s biggest developers, especially FivePoint. According to City records, since 2016 FivePoint and other developers have spent more than $3 million — first to elect Wagner in 2016, then to support his Measure B scheme, and now to try to get him re-elected, along with two other FivePoint-backed puppets, Anthony Kuo and Carrie O’Malley.
Irvine voters must put a stop to this corruption! As Pope, Woods and McGill so often say: “It’s time to restore City Hall to its rightful owners — the residents of Irvine.”
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