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Irvine’s Population Bomb


Dear Readers:

Years ago, I served as Chairman of the Irvine Transportation Commission, and then as a City Planning Commissioner.  In those days, we took transportation and land-use planning very seriously.  We planned for a City that would grow to about 250,000 people, with the infrastructure  — especially roads — to support a “built-out” City.  Here’s the problem: For the past 5 or 6 years, we’ve seen pro-developer Mayors and City Councilmembers rubber-stamping poorly planned development that’s pushing Irvine’s population to 300,000, and beyond.

Our infrastructure just can’t handle it. Too many people. Too many cars. Overcrowded schools. Take a look at our front-page article, “Coming Soon: 60,000 – 100,000 More Residents!”  Then, take our online poll and let the Mayor and Council know that you expect them to exercise their legal authority to slow the rate of residential development and take the time to restore good planning and fix the mess they’ve created.

Take our Poll at:  IrvineCommunityNews.org/Take-Our-Poll

About half of ICNV’s readers are like me — they prefer to read Irvine Community News & Views as a “hold-it-in-your-hands” community newspaper. Others, of course, read ICNV online.  But why not do both?  One of the nice things about reading ICNV online is that we can send you updates, special features, and late-breaking Irvine news — straight to your INBOX. (Click here to join our e-mail list)

Whether online or in its traditional format, we hope you’ll continue to enjoy Irvine Community News & Views. Thanks to all for your continuing support and readership!

As always, thank you for your continuing support and readership!

Franklin J. Lunding, Publisher and Editor


Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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