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Publisher’s Perspective: Do the Right Thing, Right Now!


With the images from the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day — June 6th — still fresh in our minds, we at Irvine Community News & Views want to take this opportunity to call upon Mayor Christina Shea and the entire Irvine City Council to finally show some real leadership and do the right thing, right now!

The City Council should immediately authorize the transfer of 125 acres of Great Park property — the originally planned and approved “ARDA” site — to the State of California to build, operate and maintain the Southern California Veterans Cemetery in our 1,300-acre Great Park, as provided in pending State legislation (AB 368).

We repeat: Just do the right thing, and do it now!  No more delays. No more phony “alternative” sites for the Veterans Cemetery. No more sleazy “land swaps” and political games in cahoots with greedy developers.

The Veterans Cemetery, once built and operational (a 30-month project), will no doubt become the most compelling feature of the Great Park.

We can think of no greater way to honor the memory of the men and women who served and sacrificed than to provide a beautiful, final resting place at our Great Park.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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