With the important June 5th election right around the corner, it’s time to stop complaining…and start voting! NO on Measure B!
Judging by the volume of letters, comments, and unsolicited complaints I receive, most Irvine residents understand that overdevelopment and the horrendous traffic it brings are damaging — many say “ruining” — our planned City.
Complaining is one thing. But what can be done about it? Vote NO on Measure B! Measure B, on the June 5th Irvine ballot, is the land-grab and development scheme (Zone Change Ordinance No. 17-08) put together by developer FivePoint Communities and rubber-stamped by three City Council cheerleaders for FivePoint — Mayor Don Wagner and Councilmembers Christina Shea and Melissa Fox.
If allowed to become law, this complicated Zone Change Ordinance would enable FivePoint to replace the long-planned and approved Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park with 812,000 square feet of office, industrial and manufacturing development, bringing 10,000 added cars and trucks every day to Irvine streets and neighborhoods.
But thanks to the hundreds of volunteers and 19,164 Irvine residents who signed a referendum petition, the Mayor and City Council were forced to put their unpopular Zone Change Ordinance No. 17-08 on the June 5th ballot. Irvine voters can now say NO by voting NO on Measure B. So, don’t just complain. VOTE!
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