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Portola High School Alumna Cecilia Mou Selected for Prestigious Television Academy Foundation Fall Internship Program


Portola High School alumna Cecilia Mou has been selected for the prestigious Television Academy Foundation Fall Internship Program. She is one of just nine students from across the nation chosen by Television Academy members for the program. The Foundation’s Fall Internship Program provides 13-week part-time paid internships at top Hollywood studios and production companies to college students nationwide.
Cecilia, a sophomore at USC majoring in film and television production, will be a production management intern at Disney Branded Television in Burbank.
“Receiving the honor of being a Television Academy Foundation intern has been absolutely thrilling and validating,” said Cecilia. “Being recognized in this way is so encouraging in my pursuit of a career in television.”
Cecilia grew up here in Irvine and continues to visit her family on a regular basis. She credits her hometown for helping her reach this goal, saying: “Irvine has an amazing educational program and everyone there is so supportive of the students and what they want to do.  I’m very grateful for that and was super lucky to grow up in Irvine.”

Cecilia’s sixth grade teacher, Freddi Siegel at Brywood Elementary School, is responsible for initially inspiring her to seek a career in television. “She once gave me full creative freedom on a history project we had due in class and suggested that I create a video to practice my media literacy — and that one project spiraled into a love of film-making,” said Cecilia. “By simply giving someone the freedom creatively, she inspired years of love and dedication to the craft of storytelling within me.”

Everyone here at Irvine Community News & Views congratulates Cecilia on this prestigious internship. We wish her the very best with her studies and look forward to following her future career in the entertainment industry.

ICNV Staff


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