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Open Forum: Results of Citizen Activism


As an independent newspaper, our mission at Irvine Community News & Views (ICNV) is to inform and educate Irvine residents on issues that directly impact their lives.  ICNV speaks up for the good of the Irvine community, even when it means challenging developers and other powerful special interests.  It’s a responsibility we take very seriously.

Mindful of our mission, ICNV ran a year-long investigative series, exposing developer FivePoint and their Great Park land-grab scheme.  A critical part of that series was to promote civic engagement and citizen activism by encouraging the community to join the conversation, inviting Irvine residents to participate in our online poll, asking what they thought about FivePoint’s scheme.

I’m proud that our series of articles became the catalyst for the grassroots, community-driven Save the Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park • NO on B campaign.

The Chair of the NO on B campaign, Ed Pope, reached out to ICNV, asking to share a few letters and comments from the hundreds he received after the June 5th election.

ICNV is pleased to share the letters with our readers and applaud all who participated in the NO on B campaign.  Your activism reminds us that local democracy is alive and well in Irvine.    –FJL

Post-election Letters & Comments

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] The entire process has been a lesson in civic education.  As a result, it has empowered our residents to confront future issues.  Semper Fi!
Abraham Navarro

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Isn’t it amazing what grassroots can do? Congratulations and thank you.
Clara Brandon

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Against a veritable avalanche of money, lies, and deceptive signs/advertising from the other side, including putting up phony people to post all over social media, the people of Irvine saw through all of this and did the right thing. I have never in my life put up a lawn sign and I was so angry about this measure I had 2 signs on my lawn.
Michelle Johnson

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Thank you for honoring our veterans and the citizens of Irvine. You have proved that WE are not illiterate. FivePoint’s efforts were insulting. We are excited and ecstatic about the results.
Gary & Ginny Peck

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  I’m amazed at the blatant attempt by the developer to confuse and mislead (e.g., same lawn sign designs down to the color and font, re-framing the same verbiage, hiring veterans, etc.).  I’m glad people saw through all that.
Nick L.

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  We’re all so tired of the corruption in government, but I’m realizing the best way to fight it is to start here at home, and you proved that to be true.
John Gurule

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  This victory has given me renewed hope that grassroots movements are alive and well in the USA and especially in Irvine.
Jane Roschmann

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Good things happen when residents realize that Big Money is taking over their beautiful planned community.  Thank you for your newspapers and emails.  We forwarded the emails to everyone we knew.
Rosanne LeSage

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  You have renewed my faith in the democratic process.  Thank you so much!
James Dale, Veteran, United States Army

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  I am a vet and it made me furious to see all the lies and deception of big money with the blessing of Irvine City Councilmembers who approved the project.
Brandon Morad

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Many thanks to you and all 63% who showed that money doesn’t always win.  I was proud to put signs on my neighbor’s lawns.  My understanding is that this is the end of the line for “big money” and that there is no excuse for holding up start of construction of the Cemetery.
Marsh Goldman

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Congratulations to all the people in Irvine who were not fooled by the BIG money and BIG lies of developer FivePoint Communities. Now Irvine will have the opportunity to build the Veterans Cemetery in its rightful place — in the Great Park.
Eddie Rose

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] We were not able to give you much assistance other than the sign on our lawn and talking up the “NO” position among our friends and neighbors.  Great job.  Hooray for the democratic process!
Fritz and Janis Kern

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Honoring those who have served our country is personal to me.  I grew up in a military family and was married to a veteran.  I moved to Irvine more than four decades ago and have loved raising my family here.  As an Irvine real estate broker for the past 20 years, I saw Measure B for what it was – a clear attempt by a multi-billion-dollar developer to make millions in quick profits.  That’s why I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.  I joined the NO on B campaign and made a video, warning voters about what was at stake.  I’m so proud to be part of our Irvine community, with neighbors talking to neighbors, a truly grassroots, citizen-led effort.  I hope our victory inspires more residents to get involved, because there’s more to do.
Jaci Woods

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  In Vietnam, I served as an Air Force pilot.  After my service, I settled in Irvine where my wife and I raised our family and have enjoyed living for almost five decades.  As a veteran and former Orange County planner, I was compelled to join the NO on B campaign to help educate residents about what a terrible idea it would be to build a Veterans Cemetery alongside the El Toro “Y”, one of the busiest, most congested and polluted interchanges in the nation.  I filmed a video at developer FivePoint’s so-called “strawberry fields,” capturing its back-drop and sound if Measure B passed.  I was proud of Irvine voters for doing the right thing for veterans and our City by overwhelmingly defeating it.
Frank McGill

ICNV Staff


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