Open Forum/Community Voices
Well, it’s election season again, and letters, notes, and comments from readers are crossing my desk at a record rate. Most of our ICNV readers are Irvine voters, and they seem in a very angry mood. And most of their anger — about traffic, overdevelopment, and the efforts to derail the Veterans Cemetery — is directed at the Mayor and City Council…and their cozy relationships with developers.
Here at ICNV, we urge Irvine voters to channel their anger in constructive ways. And the most immediate way to do this is to vote for a new Mayor and elect a new City Council majority on November 6th. That’s why we continue to urge our readers to vote for Ed Pope for Mayor and Jaci Woods and Frank McGill for City Council. Apparently, many of our readers are going to do just that. Below is just a small sample of the hundreds of communications we have been receiving.
Reader Letter and Comments
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] From a Vietnam Vet: We are tired of the current City leadership selling out to Big Business!
— Wayne Walloch
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Irvine traffic is miserable. We need to stop, or at least slow down, the construction.
— Abdul Ahussainx
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] I am furious that the majority of Irvine voters are being ignored by the Irvine City Council regarding the Veterans Cemetery. Do our views no longer count?
— Lynne Russell Ruedy
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] It’s about time to replace the old team with new elected officials who will listen to the voters and do some good for Irvine, which has been drowning in traffic and new residential building in every corner of our City.
— Bella Yaffi Sevy
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] The trio ICNV is supporting appears to be better suited for office in Leisure World.
— Jim Druding
Editor’s Reply: The question isn’t how old you are. The question is who has the courage to stand up for Irvine residents rather than developer FivePoint?
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] I am so proud that quality individuals — Pope, Woods and McGill — have stepped forward at this crucial time to bring some common sense leadership to our City.
— Robert E. Patton
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Wagner must be defeated! I will only vote for candidates who either voted “NO on B” or who are actively supportive of implementing the NO on B mandate to build the Veterans Cemetery within the Great Park, as originally planned!
— David Proctor
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] The NO on B campaign was a learning moment. I had suspected that developer FivePoint was the financial supporter of Wagner, Fox and Shea. PAC money spewed lies against some fine people. Subsequent actions by these elected officials, along with the proof of financial backing by FivePoint for their so-called “land swap” was the last straw. The Measure B land swap and development plan, rejected by Irvine voters, could never have happened without Wagner, Shea and Fox. We need honest people representing the citizens of Irvine! We should vote for those outstanding people who fought so hard for us, not the developers! Don’t let them change our General Plan to suit the greedy developers.
— Patricia Kennedy
[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] These Councilmembers and our Mayor are disgraceful in not representing the majority of their constituents in our City. Their behavior is reprehensible and their privilege to represent us should be revoked!!!
— Terri Warstler Trent