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Open Forum: Anger Grows Among Voters


Open Forum/Community Voices

I’ve never seen Irvine voters as angry as they are now. At the end of the July 10th City Council meeting — that was when Mayor Wagner and Councilmembers Shea and Fox defiantly ignored the voters’ June 5th “NO on B” mandate, and refused to immediately begin construction on the long-promised Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park — dozens in the City Hall audience spontaneously shouted “Recall! Recall!”

In reporting on this incident, we at ICNV added a simple online poll question at the end of our story. The question? “Should Councilmembers Shea and Fox be recalled and removed from office?” Hundreds of readers took the poll! And a remarkable — almost unbelievable — 95 percent said “yes,” Irvine voters should recall Shea and Fox. As revealed by the small sample of comments reprinted on this page, Shea and Fox had almost no defenders.

Tempting as it may be to launch a recall — and we at ICNV may eventually join that effort — right now we urge caution.  Remember, a successful recall petition campaign is a huge undertaking, and it typically takes six months to organize and complete.  We believe that for September and October, it’s best for Irvine voters and activists to keep their focus on the November 6th election.  That’s our immediate opportunity to replace Donald Wagner, who is running for re-election to a second two-year term as Mayor.  Also, we have the opportunity to elect two new Councilmembers who will be succeeding Councilmembers Jeff Lalloway and Lynn Schott, who both decided not to run for re-election.

So, on November 6th, Irvine voters can elect a new Mayor and Council majority — a majority with the courage to stand up to greedy developers and break the iron grip that they have on our City, causing the Mayor and Council to ignore the will of the people and bring a nightmare of overdevelopment and traffic to our City.


Recall!  Recall! Reader Comments

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] By neglecting to comply with the voters’ position, stated in their 63 percent rejection of Measure B, Shea and Fox demonstrate they do not understand what a referendum means.  Therefore, they have disqualified themselves to be City Councilmembers.  Let the people remove them through a recall election.
Alvin Wolf

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Unfortunately, both Christina Shea and Melissa Fox have demonstrated blatant disregard for their constituents’ overwhelming decision to approve and keep the Veterans Cemetery location in its original spot at the Great Park.  The voters have spoken out this past June.  Any elected Councilmembers should immediately heed those voices and act upon this choice.
—  Daria Johnson 

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] I am a recent Army veteran and an Irvine resident.  I am frustrated to watch the City Council in the pocket of FivePoint.  If we recall either of these members, I would love to run for one of their positions so that I can make the right choices for our City without private companies directing my decisions.
—  Jeffrey Woo

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Let’s throw the bums out and start anew, and in the process rescue the good name of Irvine from this venal display of naked corruption.
—  Jeffrey Gailiun

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] It is sad that the Mayor and two Councilmembers elected to ignore the voters’ NO on B vote.  The voters need to do whatever it takes to be heard — recall.
Clara Brandon

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Let’s kick off January 2nd.  I will help collect signatures.
Cathy Paxton

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] It is disappointing to read that three of our City Councilmembers are ignoring what 63 percent of Irvine voters have asked for.  I don’t understand their loyalty to big developers.  I am willing to join a group asking neighbors to sign a recall petition.
James Harris

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Wagner, Shea and Fox are unfit for public service.  Recall, recall, recall.
Herb Baker

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] These Councilmembers and our Mayor are disgraceful in not representing the majority of their constituents in our City.  Their behavior is reprehensible and their privilege to represent us should be revoked!!!
Terri Warstler Trent

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] In your Open Forum/Free Speech Forever, every comment is for Recall.  We used to call this type of newspaper a “Fish Wrapper.”  Do I really think you will publish this?  NO.
Walter J. Osgood

[icon name=”square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] If Wagner, Shea and Fox wish to do the bidding of FivePoint, let them get desk jobs there instead of City Hall.  The voters’ mandate is clearly being violated.  Recall, full speed ahead.
Todd Holmes


Franklin J. Lunding


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