If you are interested in mountain biking, or if you need to hone your existing skills, the Irvine Ranch Conservancy’s free mountain biking clinic is for you!
The clinic will be held on Sunday, April 21st from 8am until 12pm.
Class begins with a brief overview of rider fundamentals, starting with platform position and weight transfer before covering equipment basics & setup, braking, gearing and a brief bike maintenance Q&A session, followed by a series of exercises demonstrating rider-influenced bike maneuvers such as front & rear wheel lifts, bunny hops, drop-offs, late & emergency braking and cornering techniques over pavement, loose dirt, rocks, logs, ruts & potholes. These riding techniques will be taught and practiced at the Mountain Bike Skills Development area.
Towards the end of the clinic, participants will enjoy a short ride into the OC Parks’ Limestone Canyon Nature Preserve (Round Canyon) to put their new skills to use.
To learn more about the clinic and to register, click here.
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