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March 12th Special Election: Poll Results


Over the past couple of weeks, ICNV has encouraged readers to take our online Irvine Community Poll to let us know who you support in the March 12th special election for Orange County Supervisor (Third District seat).

After receiving nearly 500 hundred responses, former U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is in first place, with 57% of the vote.

Former Anaheim City Councilmember Kris Murray has received 21.5%.

Surprisingly, Irvine Mayor Don Wagner has received support from just 14% of those taking the poll.

The remaining four candidates (Larry Bales, Deborah Pauly, Katherine Daigle, and Kim-Thy Hoang Bayliss) have together received 7.5% of the vote.

Another surprise was the number of people who left comments after taking the poll.  We’ve included a few of those comments below.

Comments Supporting Loretta Sanchez

“Loretta Sanchez has always done a good job for us. The Board of Supervisors need someone like Loretta who is honest, tough, and hard-working.”

“Loretta Sanchez has proven that she’s the most qualified.  She knows how to get things done for her constituents. A vote for Loretta is a vote for progress.”

“Besides being the only Democrat in the race, Loretta Sanchez is clearly the most qualified.”

“I personally know and respect former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.  When she represented Orange County, she and her staff were always available, professional and courteous.  They tried their best to accommodate her constituents ‘ needs regardless of their party affiliation.  I truly respect that about her.  On top of that, she is bilingual and an educator who knows about the needs of our school children.”

Comments Supporting Kris Murray

“Kris Murray is the best candidate for our area because it’s clear she truly wants to serve this constituency.  She understands our priorities regarding development, taxes, wildfires etc. and has a genuine interest in serving this particular community.  Don Wagner winning the Irvine mayoral race and running for supervisor just days later is an ethical deal-breaker.”

“Kris Murray has been a great leader in Anaheim.  She coordinated with local agencies to get the people living in the riverbed out and all were offered mental health counseling.”

“Kris Murray is the only one talking about the issues.”

“Kris Murray is the type of leader I want.”

Comments Supporting Don Wagner

“Don Wagner has done a great job so far in keeping Irvine safe and clean.”

“As a business person with political experience, Don Wagner has been a positive force in Irvine.”

“We have enough elected Democrats in the State of California, and do not need another Democrat in Orange County. Donald Wagner will serve our needs as Orange County Supervisor.”

If you haven’t taken the poll yet, take it now by clicking here.

Special Election Information:

If you vote by mail, your vote will count as long as your ballot envelope is postmarked no later than March 12th.  You can also drop off your vote-by-mail ballot at the drive-thru at Irvine City Hall (1 Civic Center Drive, at the corner of Alton and Harvard) on Monday, March 11th or Tuesday, March 12th.

If you vote at the polls, you can vote early at City Hall on Monday, March 11th from 7am until 8pm.

To find your neighborhood polling location, click here.

ICNV Staff


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