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Local Veteran Launches Campaign to Fight City Hall & Save the Veterans Cemetery



Local Veteran Launches Campaign to Fight City Hall & Save the Veterans Cemetery

Longtime Irvine resident Edward S. Pope, an Army veteran, and retired high school “Teacher of the Year” honoree, has launched a grassroots campaign to “fight City Hall” and Save the Veterans Cemetery.

Joined by others, Pope has vowed to gather the required signatures to reverse the City Council’s October 10th vote (3-2) to give the go-ahead to developer FivePoint Communities to replace the tranquil, 125-acre Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park, with over 800,000 square feet of office and commercial development that will generate 10,000 auto and truck trips every day, inundating Irvine neighborhoods.

Pope and other Irvine volunteers must gather 15,000 signatures by November 8th – and his team must do it the old-fashioned way, asking residents to sign an official, hard-copy referendum petition. That means organizing shifts of volunteers at local shopping centers across Irvine.

Although the task is daunting, Pope has already formed a committee, built a website [SaveTheVeteransCemetery.org] and organized friends and neighbors to start gathering signatures, beginning today. Pope declared, “This is a call to action! We’re calling on all Irvine voters to not just sign the petition, but also to be part of our historic referendum effort by volunteering to help in the campaign.”

Even a grassroots campaign like this requires sufficient funds to communicate with 100,000 Irvine households; to print costly, official petition booklets; and to feed scores of volunteers. That’s why Irvine Community News & Views has made a generous donation to get the campaign going. We urge our readers to do the same!

To learn more about the campaign to Save the Veterans Cemetery, follow the link below: https://savetheveteranscemetery.org


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