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Irvine’s Stephen J. Kaufman Honored as Jewish Federation & Family Services “Mensch of the Year”


Irvine Community News & Views congratulates long-time Irvine resident Stephen J. Kaufman who will be honored with the “Mensch of the Year” award by the Jewish Federation & Family Services (JFFS) men’s philanthropy group, Solomon Society.

The award will be presented on September 19th at the group’s annual “Late Night” fundraiser at The City National Grove in Anaheim. Comedians Elon Gold and Gary Gulman will be performing at this year’s event.

Kaufman is a family law attorney and partner at Kaufman Steinberg, LLP in Irvine. He is the proud father of a daughter who graduated from Irvine’s Tarbut V’Torah (TVT) Community Day School.

When asked why Kaufman was selected, Solomon Society Chair Kenny Beard said, “Steve hits every point of what a Mensch is; he leads by his own example. He is someone who serves ‘beyond the call of duty’ and has made a significant impact on Solomon Society, Jewish Federation & Family Services, the Jewish community, and Orange County at large.”

Kaufman has been recognized for his pro bono legal work on behalf of JFFS clients.  He is a founding member of the Orange County Jewish Bar Association, and currently serves its Board of Directors as a member at large. He is passionate about children and works in family law to minimize the damage children suffer in that system.

Kaufman joined TVT’s Board of Directors in 2013 and is currently serving a third year as Board Chair. He has served the Board of Directors of Beth Jacob of Irvine in several capacities, including twice as President.  A life-long musician who has his own band, Kaufman acts as a chazzan at Beth Jacob and is choir director there.

Kaufman volunteers regularly at Human Options, an Orange County shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. He counsels and occasionally represents these women on related legal issues.

JFFS says that Steve doesn’t look for recognition or to be in the spotlight. He does all he does because of who he is: a real Mensch!

For more information or to purchase tickets to the event honoring Kaufman, visit JewishOC.org/LateNight2019.

ICNV Staff


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