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Irvine’s Ballot Measure — Why you should Vote NO!


As ICNV has previously reported, the Irvine Ballot Measure against developer FivePoint’s massive development in the Great Park was put on the June 5th ballot by the signatures of 19,164 Irvine residents. The Measure is your chance to Vote NO on Ordinance No. 17-08, passed by the City Council on October 10, 2017.

Ordinance No. 17-08 moves 812,000 square feet of office, commercial and industrial development from a location next to the I-5/I-405 interchange, to a 125-acre site in the Great Park, next to Irvine Boulevard. The 125-acre Great Park site had already been approved for construction of a State Veterans Cemetery by CalVet and the U.S. Veterans Administration, in 2016. Tragically, the Council-adopted Ordinance No. 17-08 provides that the planned and approved Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park would be re-located next to one of the busiest and most congested (noisy and polluted) freeway sections in the nation.

On February 13th, five signers submitted a Ballot Argument Urging a NO vote against that Measure. The five signers, all of whom have been Irvine residents for more than 30 years, are:

Edward S. Pope, Veteran, U.S. Army, Chair, Vote No on Measure X

Sam Castelo, Veteran, U.S. Navy (ret.)

Carolyn Inmon, Chair, Irvine Senior Citizens Council, retired teacher

Bobby Dunham, Veteran, U.S. Navy (Special Forces), businessman

Tom Robb, Veteran, USMC (ret.)

Below is their Argument AGAINST the Measure. (Since it has not yet been assigned a Measure letter, it is called Measure X, below.)


Argument Against Adoption of Ordinance No. 17-08

For the first time in decades, on June 5th Irvine voters will decide on the future growth and development of our City.

• Your NO vote on Measure _X__ will STOP three Irvine City Councilmembers from giving away — to giant developer FivePoint Communities — the 125-acre site in the Great Park that our City dedicated four years ago for creation of a peaceful, beautiful Veterans Cemetery.

• Your NO vote on Measure__X__ will also STOP accompanying zone changes that permit FivePoint to build 812,000 square feet of massive office, commercial, manufacturing and industrial development in the Great Park, adding more than 8,000 car and truck trips every day on Irvine Boulevard, Sand Canyon, Jeffrey, and throughout Irvine.

• Your NO vote on Measure__X_ will make sure the Southern California Veterans Cemetery is built in the Great Park, as planned, designed and approved by the City of Irvine, CalVet, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The project has been “construction-ready” for a year.

Most important: Your NO vote on Measure _X_ paves the way for Councilmembers Jeff Lalloway and Lynn Schott to re-introduce their resolution to immediately commence construction of the Veterans Cemetery within the Great Park, as originally planned and promised. Once built, the Veterans Cemetery will be operated and maintained in perpetuity by the State, at no cost to the City.

Voter beware! Measure__X__, drafted for FivePoint’s benefit by three pro-developer Councilmembers, will move the planned Veterans Cemetery three miles away — to FivePoint’s deceitfully named “Strawberry Fields” site — at the I-405 and I-5 interchange, one of the busiest, most congested and polluted stretches of freeway in the nation.

Please join with your 19,164 Irvine neighbors who signed the Referendum Petition that gives you the opportunity to Vote NO on Measure__X__.


We, at ICNV, are now analyzing the many falsehoods and omissions in the Argument submitted in favor of Measure X, and will publish our findings along with supporting evidence in the next few days.

ICNV Staff


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