How do you explain ICNV’s rapidly growing readship — now tens of thousands of “hold-it-in-your-hands” ICNV readers and more than 15,000 online followers? Here is my one-word answer: CONTENT!
Our staff writers and columnists are providing quality journalism that has been missing from our Irvine community for too long. Just look at the offerings in this issue of Irvine Community News and Views.
Our feature story — Irvine’s “Traffic (Mis)Management Study” — delves into the City’s traffic mess…and the Mayor and Council’s “growth-at-any-cost” policies that have created the choking traffic now threatening Irvine’s quality of life. Our Irvine Community Poll asks: Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Mayor and City Council are doing to manage Irvine’s traffic?
“CityWatch,” is a collection of must-read news briefs to keep you updated on the big stories in Irvine that we’re following: the continuing State investigations of Councilmember Christina Shea for corruption; and, the developing election campaign for Mayor.
We’re also featuring ICNV’s regular columnists, with a new addition — “iPhone Tips” by our very own smartphone expert and instructor, Jake Jacobs.
Our popular Open Forum and Community Voices pages — this time with a representative sample of the scores of letters and comments that have come to us in recent days. Resident participation is what makes Irvine Community News & Views the popular community newspaper that it is.
Yes, indeed, CONTENT COUNTS!