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Community College Corner: Meet IVC Student Nathan Akiyoshi


 NOTE: As a community college trustee, I have the good fortune of meeting some amazing people. The past few weeks, I have been spotlighting Irvine residents who are excelling in their studies at IVC.

Irvine resident Nathan Akiyoshi graduated from Arnold O. Beckman High School before enrolling at Irvine Valley College (IVC) where he has been studying political science. He is now moving on to UCLA where he hopes to pursue a career as a lawyer or obtain a position in international relations.

Nathan was impressed by IVC’s honors program because the courses are challenging yet fulfilling, and the professors are supportive of students’ goals. He said: “The professors are very open to assisting students in growing beyond the classroom and providing them with research and potential job opportunities.”

Nathan added: “My experiences at IVC have been extremely helpful, especially since I graduated with the class of 2020 and was unable to attend in-person classes for a year and a half. IVC helped make the transition to online college very manageable. The school is reasonably priced, and I was able to still excel in my studies despite the fact that I did not attend a four-year institution straight out of high school.

During his time at IVC, Nathan was involved in the IVC Model United Nations program for a year and a half, serving as the group’s president in the past year.

I wish Nathan great success at UCLA and beyond!

Carolyn Inmon


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