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IVC Helps Veterans Succeed


One of the little known, but extremely important programs at Irvine Valley College (IVC), is the school’s Veterans Services Center.

The Center was founded on the premise that the challenges faced by veterans should be addressed through a combination of academics, camaraderie and wellness.

Veterans are provided those essentials in a one-stop site that is run by specialized staff who understand the issues with which veterans struggle, and which they must address to help themselves achieve success.

The Center provides veterans with financial aid services; mental health assistance; academic counseling and tutoring; job preparation programs; and direct connections to federal and state resources.

At a recent event, a veteran explained that during his first semester at IVC, he felt somewhat disconnected since his background and experiences were so different from those of other college students. However, once he discovered the Veterans Services Center, everything changed. Walking into the Center, he immediately felt “at home.”

For a list of services provided to veterans, click here.

For a list of on-campus support services, click here.

If you are a veteran, or know one, I encourage you to swing by the IVC Veterans Service Center to discuss the wide variety of programs available to veterans. I hope that you’ll enroll in some classes or enter one of the 100+ job preparation programs. Good luck!

The Center is open Monday thru Thursday from 8am until 6pm; and Friday from 8am until 4:30pm.

To learn more, call the Veterans Services Center at (949) 451-5296.

Carolyn Inmon


Irvine, CA
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