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Community College Corner: Meet IVC Student DeAngelo Hunter


NOTE: As a community college trustee, I have the good fortune of meeting some amazing people. Over the next few weeks, I will be spotlighting Irvine residents who are excelling in their studies at Irvine Valley College.

Irvine resident & IVC student DeAngelo Hunter

Irvine resident and Irvine Valley College (IVC) student DeAngelo Hunter is this year’s Student Commencement Speaker.

DeAngelo, who is a veteran, has been very active during his two years at IVC. He’s won awards in speech and debate, was one of the founding members of the Black Student Union, and has lobbied Congressional representatives to advocate for basic needs, veterans and free community college.

As President of the Associated Students of IVC, DeAngelo has used his leadership skills to create a highly active student government, empowering those around him to join in high-level advocacy by engaging with state and federal representatives.

DeAngelo is a pre-law student majoring in Psychology and Administration of Justice. He hopes to use his passion to bring change that will continue America’s progress and make the American Dream as accessible as possible to everyone.

I wish DeAngelo great success in his continued academic studies and look forward to following his future endeavors.

Carolyn Inmon


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