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Citizen Activism


Did you notice? …Irvine Community News & Views is growing!

At the beginning of 2015, ICNV was an 8-page community newspaper with a circulation of 10,000.  Then we grew to 12 pages, and now we’ve expanded to 16 pages.  Our Irvine print circulation is now up to 18,000, and our online following has zoomed to 12,500.

ICNV is available to our readers in three different ways:  First, you can pick it up at one of the 100 Irvine businesses and other public places that carry ICNV.

Second, we make old-fashioned “driveway deliveries” to a growing number of Irvine villages and neighborhoods.  And, third, it’s available to our online subscribers.  Just sign up — www.irvinecommunitynews.org — for free delivery to your inbox!

Our September issue is packed with news about Irvine citizen activism.  Our feature story is again about the Council majority’s cruel cut of Irvine’s Living Wage (from $11 per hour to $9 per hour).  But now, sensible and compassionate citizen-activists are beginning to circulate an initiative petition to restore the Irvine Living Wage in 2016.  If you want to help with this effort, go to: www.IrvineLivingWage.org

We also have a remarkable letter that Larry Agran, Irvine’s former Mayor and Councilmember wrote to Governor Jerry Brown, urgently requesting the Governor to intervene and order long-overdue testing for toxic contamination at the site for Portola High School, now under construction.  The full text of Agran’s letter is printed and you can join nearly 1,500 Irvine residents who have signed our Safe Schools Petition.

Citizen activism, YES!  Let’s make our Irvine community a better place for everyone.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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