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Author: Roger Bloom

Council Green-Lights Phase 1 of Great Park Framework Plan

At its March 14th meeting, the City Council gave its approval to begin detailed design and construction of a bundle of Great Park projects, with a goal of completing them within five years.

Meeting as the Great Park Board, the Council green-lighted these projects for Phase 1 of the Great Park Framework Plan:

1. Veterans Memorial Park & Gardens

2. Botanical Gardens

3. Perimeter Park around the Veterans Memorial Park & Gardens

4. Promenade

5. Amphitheater

6. Cultural Terrace (including Pretend City, the Flying Leathernecks Museum, Orange County Music & Dance, Hangar 369 Community Center, Bridge to Sports Park, and Food & Beverage Facilities at Sports Park)

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The City of Irvine to Acquire the All American Asphalt Plant and Incorporate the Site Into a 700-Acre “Gateway Preserve”

The City of Irvine is finalizing an historic land deal to acquire and shut down the All American Asphalt plant in north Irvine — incorporating the site into a 700-acre Gateway Preserve that will provide access to the 20,000-acre north Irvine Open Space Preserve.

The asphalt plant has been the source of swirling controversy for years as its noxious odors and toxic emissions have affected thousands of residents throughout north Irvine.

During the February 28th City Council meeting, City Manager Oliver Chi — followed by Councilmembers Larry Agran and Mike Carroll — announced that the asphalt plant will be shut down later this year. Chi stated that the land transaction agreements are expected to go to the City Council at the end of March for final approval, followed by a five-month escrow period. (Agran and Carroll, both lawyers, helped guide the complex negotiations.)

Councilmember Agran said, “I am pleased that my Council colleagues finally heard the voices of the community and stepped up to protect Irvine citizens.”

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