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Irvine Residents Share Their Support for Measure D


With the state primary election coming up on March 5th, proponents of district elections for the Irvine City Council are wasting no time in taking their case to the voters.
Signs urging YES on D are already on lawns across Irvine and on major streets like Culver and Jamboree. Meanwhile, the “ground game” is also underway as volunteers begin distributing Yes on D doorhangers throughout Irvine neighborhoods.
If passed by a majority of Irvine voters in the March 5th election, Measure D will amend the City Charter to have Councilmembers elected from districts instead of citywide, which is the current system. Measure D would also expand the Council from the current five members to seven — six Councilmembers elected from districts (each with about 50,000 residents) plus the Mayor, who will continue to be elected citywide.
“Democracy starts in the neighborhoods and villages of Irvine,” said Councilmember Larry Agran, who has advocated for district elections since rejoining the Council in 2020. “District elections will ensure that every part of town has their own representative on the Council, a person they can go to for action on City issues and concerns.”
Councilmember Agran said there are additional benefits to passing Measure D:

  • District elections will encourage and empower grassroots community-based candidates who can go door-to-door in an entire district, and can revitalize doorstep democracy in Irvine.
  • District elections will ensure that every section of the City has someone from their area representing their interests on the Council. Councilmembers will be in closer touch with their constituents, and residents will know that their Councilmember is a neighbor they can turn to for help with City issues.
  • Expanding the Council to seven members will increase the diversity of backgrounds and points of view on the Council, leading to better decision-making.

North Park resident Michelle Johnson agrees. Johnson drafted an early version of the proposed district map that was refined by the City-retained demographer, overwhelmingly supported by the community, and ultimately adopted by the City Council.
“City Hall is far away from us,” Johnson notes. “There are no Councilmembers from North Irvine, and we’re the only part of town without a community center. We have many issues that need to be addressed such as wildfire mitigation; environmental cleanup; and ongoing development. Measure D will ensure that North Irvine residents have a seat at the table when decisions are made at City Hall.”
Councilmember Agran added that Measure D will also ensure that residents within the UCI community and Great Park Neighborhoods have representation on the Council — something that has been historically lacking.

Roger Bloom


Irvine, CA
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