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The City of Irvine’s Ambitious Forestation Program


Irvine is ranked No. 1 in California and No. 4 in America in the Public Land Trust’s ParkScore Index, which is recognized as the national gold-standard comparison of park systems across the 100 most populated cities in the United States. The index is based on factors including park access, acreage, investment, and amenities.

Some years ago, Mayor Larry Agran and other environmental activists got the City of Irvine to set a goal to plant 500,000 trees. “I’m proud to say we reached that goal, adding beauty and value to our entire community,” Agran said.
Now, Agran wants Irvine to set a new goal due to the growth of the City and the urgency of climate change. “We need another 200,000 trees, minimum, to help clean the air, sequester carbon, cool the City, and help us reach our Climate Action Plan goals,” Agran said.

To achieve this new goal, the City of Irvine is planning to build a sustainable urban forest.

Proposals for the urban forest include repopulating the City’s Open Space Preserve with native oak trees; converting blacktop at our schools with small forested areas; adding more trees to our parks to provide shade; planting trees in medians and alongside major roadways; and planting 50,000 trees at the Great Park. The City is also looking into establishing a program for homeowners’ associations to request trees for pocket parks and other areas under their control. The City would provide the trees and cover the cost of planting them and the HOAs would maintain them.

Residents are being asked to take a quick survey to help inform the City’s decisions regarding the forestation plan.

Click here to take the survey. (All questions are voluntary and survey respondents are anonymous.)

ICNV Staff


Irvine, CA
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