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Must Reading


Freeway, Tollway, Lalloway. Our Irvine Community News & Views feature story is about yet another nasty consequence of overdevelopment — jam-packed freeways. This, in turn, is giving rise to a cynical scheme — pushed by Irvine Councilmember Jeff Lalloway — to put $20-per-day (round-trip) toll lanes on the I-405. (Believe me, folks, I’m not making this up!) Please read this important story, and then take our online Irvine Community Poll to register your own views on the Lalloway tollway plan.

ICNV vs. City Hall. Our job at ICNV is to report the news…but now we’ve become the news. Here’s why: While ICNV is available to readers in over 100 Irvine stores and other locations, including two public libraries, we’ve been banned from Irvine City Hall. This is despite the fact that the Irvine World News, OC Weekly and other free publications have been available in City-provided news racks in the entrance lobby at City Hall. The City’s hostile and discriminatory action cannot be allowed to stand. It violates the First Amendment protections of Free Speech and Free Press — freedoms that have been traditionally respected in Irvine. So, ICNV has sued the City of Irvne in Federal Court. Please read our story.

TestForToxics. The Portola High School toxic contamination already discovered along the site’s perimeter — and the failure of the School Board and City Council to order comprehensive testing for toxic petrochemicals on the entire school site — is a growing Irvine scandal. Dr. Harvey Liss, who first broke this story for ICNV, has established an excellent website and a reporting platform — www.TestForToxics.org — to cover the toxics scandal. See his “TestForToxics” report. It’s “must” reading.

Franklin J. Lunding


Irvine, CA
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